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DTHT Episode 21 - Saying "NO" Is A Super Power

by Jason Archer | Do The Hard Thing Podcast

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Podcast Opening:

Welcome to Do The Hard Thing Episode 21. I am Jason Archer… creator, freedom seeker, leader of self | full time student and part time teacher of self mastery, and today is all about Values.

The goal, as always, is to dive deeper into how we humans can more effectively move toward the outcomes we want. Usually, this means getting uncomfortable and doing hard things. So, turn up the volume, put down the distractions and let’s kick this off…

[NOTE: Insert some intro music here | Insert brief description here]

Summary Description:

If you’ve ever started down a path to create something meaningful in your life, and for whatever reason found yourself not moving toward the outcome you claim to want… like there’s a part of you that simply refuses to move, Then this podcast is for you. Do The Hard Thing is an exploration in human movement.




“Just saying yes because you can’t bear the short-term pain of saying no is not going to help you do the work.”

– Seth Godin



★ Why Is It Hard To Say No?

  • I am realizing I am more of a people pleaser than I thought.
  • No one likes disagreeable people.
  • There is a fear of ostracism, a fear of being alone.

★ What Saying No Looks Like.

  • The Boat Example.
  • The Blowback.
  • Why my saying no was better for everyone.

★ What Saying No Gives You

  • Initially, it gives you fear.
  • Then, experience of the consequences of your actions.
  • And, ultimately… more confidence.



The act of saying “No” is a rebellion. It sets you apart… not always in a good way in the eyes of others, yet it always gives you the ability to be in your own power.


The question today is this: Where in your life are you saying yes, when you really want to say no? Not maybe, not I’ll think about it, but hell no. Work, fitness, relationships… where do you see an opportunity to apply a change to your benefit?

Once you have your answer, you must honor the work and practice the change you want to make… otherwise, what is the point?

Apply the concept: Thing of just one way you can use what you just learned to step into a place that demands you take ownership of your decisions and direction…

Do not allow yourself to remain a slave to fear or habit. Stand up for you and the vision you want to make of your life… Start by saying no to all the distractions and maybes.


Podcast Closing:

That’s it for today! Thank you for listening, and if you found value in this message be sure to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes, Google Play, Castbox, or Stitcher | Share this with those you want to invest in on social | And I’ll see you back here in the next episode | Until then, this is Jason signing off | Now go… and DO THE HARD THING.

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